LA- The final leg

Published: May 31st 2008
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Ok so i'm all onmy own now.I'm thinking to myself this isn't good. I'm constantly being told i can't manage on my own, are people right?. Well lets look at this claim. I managed to get to LA and i find the minibus i've prepaid for BUT i don't have the correct voucher GRRR... ok so i mucked up a lil there. Ok step 2 I get to the hostel and oh no i have no voucher AGAIN!. But i didn't panic I went to the interent found a printer and was sorted so i'm not doing to bad at this point. I'm living the same day TWICE i'm on my own but yeh i'm doing ok. Oh i'm tired... plus liverpool have lost not good! My phones gone dead NOOO!. The plan was to have a nap have some food and meet Chelsea the day after. Chelsea is a girl I met whilst in LA last Novemeber and we kept in touch as email buddies since. I'll be honest its going to be weird seeing her as i only met her for a bit but I have thrown myself into everything else I have done so why not aye?.

Ok so where was I?I'm in hollywood the premier of Ironman is on in a few hours and there are loads of stars around AND i feel dead. I have a nap wake up in a daze and cruel outside onto hollywood boulevard. I come across a show called the Jimmy Kimmell show and I manage to get a free ticket to be in the crowd. I'm thrilled as I meet some new people who are cool, plus i'm promised free food and somefamous guests! oh and free concert by def leppard. So i'm happy. Oh its live as well! and i'm on american national tv as an english looking zombie.i decide I have nothing to lose and pull stupid faces on camera. So if you was watching american tv around this time i was on it woop!. The gig was pretty good as was the food. The food was a whole pig being spitroasted. Was nasty to look at yuck but very tasty. Def leppard werent bad either.

So the show finishes and im standing next to richard gere (i can't get rid of this guy i always bump into him). I get told by security to move on as i'm in the vip area with a pig rib hanging out of my mouth and the same clothes i was wearing on the plane, ouch!. I come out and i see an erray of stars which include gwyenth paltrow, jack black, robert downing jr, 2 memebers of black sabbath, and puff daddy. The problem i have now is that I have only one way to call chelsea and its not working.. so i got to bed worried i have another few days on my own boooooo.

The day after still no contact with chelsea so i decide to take myself for a walk. I walk round hollywood and go on the tour which was pretty cool. I managed to use the tour guides phone and yes i got through to her and we can meet up later. Later on in the evening I met up with Chelsea and it went really well. I'm so glad i kept in contact with her as shes really down to earth. We went to Santa Monica for a few drinks and I went back to my hostel got my stuff and did a runner. The place was a dump!! and i stayed at chelseas the next few days. I got back to hers and met her house mate and her cats. I liked ramage alot. He was a dominate feline who loved the smells coming from my bag. I quickly went to sleep after another tiring day.

I woke up pretty late in the morning and we went to venice beach in the afternoon. This place was pretty kool. The weather was ok alot better than Sydney but not as good as say Cairns. I had a good time and got to know chelsea alot better. I think if she lived in england she would be one of my go to friends if i needed help if that makes sense?, as she is reliable and a good laugh. She does have a tendency to get aggressive whilst driving but I thought that was pretty funny. Catchphrases like "we all have licences lets use them" makes me laugh. In the evening we went to a mexican restuarnt and i made an idiot out of myself by trying to pronouce the menu. The food was pretty good though and afterwards we headed to bubba gumps to meet some of her friends. Ok, well it went well at the start. I met anisa again who was really nice and very funny. I met some of her other mates including two gay mates and a black girl. One of the gay guys "chad" fancied me alot and tried turning me. By the time we got back to Chelseas i had chad flirting with me and I told him I didnt like him in a nice way. He seemed hurt :-(. I also had the black girl who came up to me said she fancied me and groped me. I had to decline her as well. So what i tried to do is have anisa or chelsea as a bodyguard but whenever one left one would quickly hop onto my lap. TBH i like attention so i laughed but looking back now it all seems a lilttle funny. It was a good night though and i went asleep at 4am all cosy and happy. I knew tomorrow i would be home!!

Now I knew two things I hadn't seen home for a long time and was really looking forward to it. I had missed people alot and just wanted to be home now. But, I had enjoyed how i was living my life. I had no job and the freedom to do what i wanted.Anyhoo i hung out with anisa and chelsea for the day and went to huntington. The day was pretty funny and i was going to miss both of them alot. I got dropped off (lost my phone) and checked in.. off i flew and i landed in hethrow to be greeted by my mum! i was home!!!!!


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