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January 29th 2006
Published: January 29th 2006
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Painty painty
Hello everybody, just a quick message from LA, I'm staying in Hollywood at the moment, which is a wierd place, havent actually met any americans here yet, everyone is Australian or Canadian.
I thought the place was gonna be crime land, but its no worse than London - obviously I havent gone to Compton or anything, that would just be silly. Sorry Im rambling, I have had no sleep in the last 4 days, and Ive done a lot of walking!

I met up with this girl from Sydney that Ive been hanging around with, there arent that many people here that are too normal, only the ozzy guys seem ok, there are a lot of people who litterally live in the hostel as they are trying to "Make it" in Hollywood, jackasses, I dont know why anyone would want to live here!

Yesterday me and Carla the ozzy girl went to Venice Beach, and walked to Santa Monica, which was cool, there are a lot of mentalists who just line up along the beach to shout at you, and read the bible out load in southern american accents which was pretty funny, hard to take them seriously, the
Snake manSnake manSnake man

Guy on ladder with snakes requesting we all get naked
best one was a massive black guy on a ladder with 2 live snakes and a bow, no clothes, shouting "give up your clothes and shit... come and stand under my snakes" - thats pretty standard around here I think.

Going to Beverly Hills and the Getty Centre today, which is a huge museum that cost 2 billion apparently, should be good.

Cant get any photos up yet, as they have locked the dam computers in a box here, but theres some cool ones coming.

Oh yeah, this ones for the mels, Im going to Mels Drive Thru for a mel burger today too, as its just round the corner, should be good! and for $3 dollars you can get a slice of pizza bigger than a whole 12" pizza, and thats just a slice!!!!! Fat bastards.
And Rich, you'd love it, there is a massive outdoor gym on the beach - old Muscle Beach, but you'd have to be the size of a bus to use it.

Ill put some pics up and write something more interesting from the Cook Islands



30th January 2006

Burger fun
Nice to see you'll be checking out the Mel burger, seem to remember it was quite tasty. Is your email address the same? Melli x
30th January 2006

David Copperfield
David Copperfield is american, say hi to him from me.
30th January 2006

Mel Burgers!
Mel burgers are great! We both had one at the Mel's drive in off Hollywood Boulevard and they are huge! Any cahnce you could pick me up a Mel's Drive in pin as I lost min esomewhere in NZ!
1st February 2006

Ian's task
Before Ian left for this 'trip around the world', he vowed to me that it could be done in 80 days. Many back here in London don't think it can be done, but Ian, with the help of his trusty sidekicks Rigadon and Tico, has his whole journey mapped out, so only time will tell. Ian is a lion.

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