Arizona Part 1

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December 11th 2007
Published: December 26th 2007
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Arizona Part 1

We flew to Tucson with Shilin and Jess’s dad Greg, accompanying them on their business trip (we pretended to be engineering students -- not very convincing though, even with the hard hats!) We changed planes in Las Vegas where there just happened to be a rodeo that weekend. There were pokey machines everywhere but the cowboys were much more interesting scenery. In Tucson we ate local delicacies of Mexican anyway you can imagine. Chimichangas and tamales were fantastic. We drove to Saguaro National Park, which is split into east and west by the town and an enormous air-force base. There are so many different types of cacti in the desert national park. Jess says there are different types just to brew tequila inside the cactus. And the one preferred (agave) must mature for 7 years before brewing. So next time you have some tequila appreciate that the cacti has been working on your tequila for years. The Saguaro cacti also make great silhouette photos in the sunset. We popped into Tombstone where all the shady ladies and cowboy gunfights were, and where all the cowboy and Indian movies are filmed.

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