Onto Wasilla

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September 5th 2011
Published: September 6th 2011
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We arrived yesterday about 4:00 pm. It was a 200 mile drive from Denali to Wasilla. It was Neil's turn to drive. He really doesn't stop for photo ops, so we will get there faster. We made it in 4hours , so that was pretty good. One stop for gas and a snack. All scenic, no towns really.

It is more windy, so even though it is 50 degrees, it feels colder then up North where it was in the 30's. We popped over to the State Fair. Well... I just want to say that even though I am a chubba, We must look a lot younger then John and Trisha, because they got in for senior rate at $8.00' and we had to pay regular price at $13.00. I thought Trisha was going to pee herself, she was laughing so hard. Senior age was 65 mind you.

We stayed for a few hours, and we saw a lumberjack show with a bit of slapstick comedy. It was really good. The lady who hosted the show was from Maine, and she was also on Survivor, Panama if anyone follows that. She was Tina. I thought she looked and sounded familiar, because yes... I watch survivor! Our beds are very comfy, and we have a beautiful view of Lake Lucille. I feel like we are at camp in Maine.

We went to the State Fair today also. Great hot chocolate. I got a huge bag of kettle corn popcorn. It is very good, but not as good as my Becca Boo,s. We walked around all bundles up with hat Nd mittens. Now I know you guys are having 80 degree weather and humid. Not here!

I also watched some equestrian show. Horse jumping and flat ground competition with trotting and cantering and the stuff. The horses are beautiful. We also saw part of a backho rodeo. It was amazing. The backhoe operator had to try to roll 6 raw eggs through some sand and into a little bucket without breaking them. They got 2in. Amazing fine control.

I am doing laundry now, and Neil is napping. I am not sure what John and Trisha are doing. I think we will be going out to eAt soon.

We will be off to Anchorage tomorrow.

Talk to you all in a few days,


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