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September 12th 2008
Published: September 13th 2008
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This day was the most amazing day for us. The boat could not dock into Sitka as the water there was too low. We met for the Sea Otters and Wildelife excursion, into the Rendez-Vous bar where we were given a sticker for our excusrion.

We took a boat directly from the ship. There were 2 decks. The one at the top had an observation deck. The boat went out to sea for about 10 minutes. This is were we saw humpback wales!!! They were spraying water out and diving into the sea to feed. We saw tales and fins. I was stood on the highest part of the the observation deck and Heather was running from one side to the other. I kept seeing wales left and right and shouted "Here!", "Behind!", "There!!". People kept running from left to right!!. it was very funny. Heather caught some amazing pictures and I caught footage of the wales and tales!!.

We were then on our way to see the Sea Otters. They are the most cutest things ever. There were soo many. We sailed around the small islands and saw seals on the shore and more Sea Otters!! There were bold eagles perched around, we saw one on a branch then dive down towards the sea, grab something and went back onto the branch. The wing span of these birds are huge!!!. We did more sailing around the islands and saw star fish stuck to the rocks. There were birds on islands all facing the same way, Heather took some pictures, it looks great!!!. There was a deer pointed out but we couldn't see it!! Heather took pictures of where it was supposed to
be and I took footage but couldn't see anything either LOL.

We got dropped of on shore in Sitka, where we took a walk around in the rain. We then walked into some shops as Heather
wanted a wale cuddly toy and I wanted a Sea Otter!! 😊

We also found a Sitka snow globe to continue Heather's collection.

We bought chocolate from a shop on the way back. We haven't tried them yet...

There was a queue down the road to get a tender back to the ship.

We had something to eat, but were still very excited about seeing the wales. As the boat left Sitka we went outside to see if we could spot some more. We saw another 4 or 5 wales.

It was soo exciting!!

As we got back into deeper sea, they were getting harder to spot. We went back inside.

It was our last formal night at dinner, all the waiters paraded. We waved our napkins at them as a thank you.

They then sang "Old Lanzime", the "New Years" song...

Our waitress is called Paula and is from Jamaica. She is so Funny and so Kind.

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