Scenic Seward & Alaskan Weddings

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May 26th 2005
Published: May 27th 2005
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May 26, 2005 - Sunrise 4:43am - Sunset 11:09pm - Actual Dark Hours 12:45am-3:30am

Today is our third anniversery, and we celebrated last weekend by going to Seward for the weekend. I can't tell you how beautiful this state is. Some of you asked me to see more pictures of the landscape up here, and I will not disappoint.

Before we get to Seward, lets hit the highlights of the last couple of weeks. First, I completed my combatives course and tied for third place in the honor graduate tournament. My body hurt for the next week.

Then, I took a week long combat first aid course and learned to give IV's and shove tubes up peoples noses. The interesting part about that is we practiced on each other. I got three IV's and one "nose hose." (The "nose hose" is 6 inches long and about as big around as your pinky - Fun!) Once I forgot to take the constrictor band off my "patient" before I removed the IV needle and LOTS of blood squirted everywhere. Oops! It was a cool class.

Seward, AK
Then, as I said before, we went to Seward last weekend. Seward is a tiny little town on the Kenai Penninsula that is nestled between mountains and the sea. It's an outdoor Mecca around here. We checked out the Sea Life Center and saw some cool animals and strolled around town mostly. The food was great. I ate a Caribou Burger, and we tried our hands at cooking King Crab Legs. Those things are HUGE. Their legs are up to two feet long, and you can get chunks of crab meat out of them that are bigger around than your thumb. Yum!

Jumpin Junipers - Jaeden Walks!!!

I've have yet to see it, but Laura assures me it is so. Jaeden took two steps yesterday while Laura was on the phone with her sister and again while Laura was giving J.J. a bath. This is very exciting and quite an anniversery present. She is also repeating words after us sometimes. My favorite, "Nite, Nite, Da-da!"

Alaskan Wedding
AK has this weird law that says that in certain circumstances (like being active military) you can have a friend officiate your wedding ceremony. I found out about this because my buddy, Cornwell, got his friend, Noodle, to officiate his wedding a few weeks ago. Weird, I know!!! But, Vela, the guy I spent all week sticking with tubes and needles, asked me to officiate his wedding today. I had the chance to talk to him a little last week about how much God loves him and wants a relationship with us and how rather than burdening us with a bunch or rules he wants to free us from guilt and condemnation. Hopefully, I'll get to pass on some of the wisdom Josh Hackworth passed on to us when he married Laura and me. Should be an interesting day. Stay turned for more details.

Interesting Alaska Fact #4: The state of Rhode Island could fit into Alaska 425 times, while Fairfax County has nearly twice as many people as Alaska. So, if you divided Alaska up evenly, every Alaskan would get about 650 acres of land.

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Seward HWY PanoramaSeward HWY Panorama
Seward HWY Panorama

I mergerd several pic to get this which is why you see the date more than once in the pic.
Our House on Ft. RichOur House on Ft. Rich
Our House on Ft. Rich

Our building is the one on the left. That's my white Cherokee and Laura's blue Explorer parked in front. Again this picture is merged from several smaller ones.

27th May 2005

Alaska is so beautiful and so big. We are glad that you had the opportunity to go to Seward - one of our favorite places in Alaska. Outside of Anchorage is a little town called "Eklutna" which is a must to visit. It shows how the Russian missionaries changed some of the native ways for the Athabascan. What was great was seeing the "Spirit Houses" that were over their graves.If you go back to The Kenai Peninsula, take the boat tour of the fjords - lots of wildlife viewing. BTW, Jeff and friends are flying to Anchorage on the 25th of June for a few weeks. Let's hope you are lucky and fon't find them on your doorstep :D - Jane Schwalm
28th May 2005

Tony, those pictures are great, especially the first one. And your babe girl...WOW. It is still such a new thing for me to see you with J.J.!!!! It really sounds like things are going great for you, I am really glad to hear that! - Chris Schwalm
30th May 2005

God is Awesome
Hey guys! I love how Awesome God is! Jayden is getting so big. and you both look great. Although in my heart I miss you both terribly, I find comfort and peace knowing God has a magnificent plan for you both. How cool is it that you live in such a beautiful part of the county!! The pictures are awesome. Thanks again for sharing. - amy-beth
31st May 2005

Great to hear from you
Tony, it's great to read of God's faithfulness in you and your family's lives. The pictures tell of what an awesome Creator we serve! May the Lord continue to use you and your family to bless those He placed around you. Take care! - Peter Tan

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