Alaska Adventure Starts

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June 6th 2007
Published: June 6th 2007
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This summer I have embarked on a small adventure to cruise Alaska. I am currently in Anchorage waiting to go to the train station to travel to the carnival cruise ship. Last night we arrived in the Anchorage airport at 9:00pm with the sun brightly shining. It was hard last night to get use to the sun setting well after midnight and rising just a few hours later. The weather is fantastic at the moment and I should be leaving for the train in a few hours. The next time I write I will be setting sail from the small town of Whittier, Alaska. Bon Voyage for now!

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11:00 pm in Anchorage11:00 pm in Anchorage
11:00 pm in Anchorage

This was taken from my hotel at 11:00 pm at night

6th June 2007

I look forward to your daily adventures and will keep you all in my prayers!Your Friend, Sandy Baksys
6th June 2007

Thank you for inviting me onto your Travelblog. I will be looking forward every day to read your journal. Since I am not sure that your Mom cell phone will work or not. This way I can let her and all of you know about your dogs. I will be going tomorrow Thursday and on Saturday also one day next week.. For some reason I can not remember one of the dogs name. I know 3 of them - Daisy, Lulu, and Sammy. Anyway, have a great time.

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