Road Trip to Colorado....

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August 17th 2008
Published: August 17th 2008
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We are now a bit outside Birmingham in a place called Hamilton and about to cross over into Mississippi. It's been an experience and feels like we've been on the road for a lot longer than we've actually been traveling. My car is holding out! YES!

The trip to Orlando Friday night was marvelous. We met up with Ryan in the Gaylord Palms which is just as magnificent as I remembered. A very amusing part of that trip was the reactions of the bellboys to the fish which we left on the baggage cart with our two bags, a bottle of dirt for Mary and some tennis shoes. I know there was speculation going down in the bellboy room and when one of them brought it up, they asked me about it. Heehee.

Ryan, of course, is amazing. We spent a long time together over dinner and chatting. I'm really glad I got to see him before I left for Colorado. He's an amazing person. We were his dad's guests so of course the hotel stay was free. We got a little tray of chocolates where the box and the lid for the chocolates were chocolate! Very cool!

The next morning dad and I slept in and took a little exploratory detour on our way out of the hotel because it really is an amazing place to stay. Then we headed out and got some steak for lunch and then finally started out at about noon!

It's really interesting road tripping because you can see the gradual change in nature, the trees, plants, terrain, building style and, of course, the accents. Well, technically dad and I had the accents 'cause we were the foreigners, but dayum! Talk about Southern. Dad drove all through Georgia and I took over night driving. We were in Alabama by the time night hit and Alabama is very hillly. I'm used to driving on flat lands! It was a very interesting driving experience with hills, no road lights save for my car lights and twisty windy roads. I guess its good practice but I definitely had to pay attention in order to drive. I ended up missing one turn off 'cause dad forgot to tell me to turn (muahahaha, blaming you daddy!) and I got frustrated because by then, it was 11 our time, 10 local time. So I stopped and made him drive.

Dad apparently had his second wind and decided he wanted to drive even farther! GASP! Martin was AWAKE at night! So he drove us almost to the border and then we found a hotel right off the highway which is where I am now, mooching off the free internet connection.

We passed the time with stories and, of course, LOTS of music. I prepared my ipod well. I have daddy music and Lisa music and a lot of both so we can accommodate when we're both awake, when one or the other is napping or when we need to keep each other awake when we're night driving!

So today we're heading to Belinda's house in Kansas! Weeee! Here we go!

Oh yes, the fish is doing very well.

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17th August 2008

Hey Lisa!!! This sounds like it's a lot of fun!!! I hope you're enjoying yourself and next time you're in the area, you're welcome to come stay with me and my family in IL. Love ya!!!

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