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North America » Mexico » Oaxaca
September 20th 2007
Published: October 6th 2007
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Last night we stayed in Tehuantepec, which is in the middle of nowhere. But surprisingly our hotel was great. The hotels so far have been fantastic, a huge step up from the shit holes GAP stuck us in. We had an early start to get to San Cristobal. We drove through the mountains down to the Rio Grande and took a two hour speedboat ride through the Canon del Sumidero. Some of the cliffs are 1,000m high and parts of the river are 100m deep. Legend has it Indians jumped to their death rather than surrender to the Spanish Conquistidors. We saw monkeys, crocodiles, all types of birds and beautiful waterfalls midway up the cliff faces.

On the final hour journey to San Cristobal there was a fatal car accident a few metres ahead. It was on a single lane road winding up a mountain. It took three hours for the emergency services to allow traffic through but it gave us the opportunity to watch the sun set over the corn crops above and below us. We didn't get into town until 9pm so we were too buggered to do much else.


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