Puerto Angel

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March 13th 2015
Published: March 13th 2015
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First draft Travelogue Puerto Angel

In the Winter of 2014 in January, my parents took me to a trip in Puerto Angel. I already have been in there but this time I went with my uncles and my cousins. We went through the road by car, separated cars, and the time we took to get there was about ten to eleven hours. Once we got there, we met the door guard who is named Mario but we call him Don Mario he took us the the house we would stayed, (before we went to Puerto Angel, my dad and my uncle rented the houses by calling the owners of each respective house).

The first day we decided we would go to swim in the beach that was next to the houses the view was something incredible and astonishing, the beach was named "La Mina".

The sand in "La Mina" was different from what I have seen in my life, it was filled with little rock and almost no sand.

In the beach, my cousin got hurled because of a rock so we decided to return to the houses, she was okay.

After going again to the houses, we decide to take some time till night. So we can go to dinner to the restaurant called el Alquimista. We had pizza and pasta for dinner, it was delicious.

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