Cuernavaca-first day of school

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North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca
June 15th 2010
Published: June 15th 2010
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My first day of school went very well after getting their through the typically chaotic Mexican traffic in the busy AM's. Something funny on the way in that a "camioncito"-pickup truck, full of plastic trunks filled with iced down chickens, lost two trunks so there was ice and chicken in the street. One of the trabajadors got out of the truck, picked it all up and put it back in the trunks, through them back onto the truck and off to market they went!! Nothing goes to waste here!!!
The school is beautiful, the classes are lively, I’m the old guy and most of the young ones would rather revert back to English when not in class-not me! I’ve spent every day since arrival talking non-stop in Spanish with everyone!
My host family is wonderful and their home is incredibly charming. We’re higher up the mountain so the air is fresh and cool and every evening, sometimes all night, we’ve had lively thunderstorms so the AM’s air beautiful. I have a view of the distant mountains and my duenos (hosts) beautiful yard/garden with the every present and flowering bugambillas! It’s a beautiful place-and no sign of any narcotraficantes entonces no se preocupes!!

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