Day 61 - Cerveza, vino y tequila

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North America » Mexico » Guanajuato
September 1st 2006
Published: September 4th 2006
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Being a Friday night after a tough week of school we decided to treat ourselves. So we - with our new friends and housemates Sophie, Toby and Rachel - started off in Guanajuato's Irish bar. Naresh and all the Irish will be offended to hear that their poster advertising Guinness had the slogan "The Head of British Intelligence" (unless there's a meaning that proved too subtle for us?).

Then we ate in a great little French resturant with one of the best meals we've had in ages - 'Le Midi' in Plaza San Fernando. The owner, Veronique, spent a couple of years in the mid-nineties studying in Ed's hometown of Portsmouth. She worked in one of our old regular haunts, Rosie's Wine Bar. If anyone reading this happens to be in there in the near future she'd appreciate it if you'd say 'hi' to the owners!

After plenty of wine, and even some port, we enjoyed (or perhaps just 'drank' is more accurate) some tequila. All in all an excellent and late night, and we weren't at all jealous of Sophie and Toby's 9am bus to Mexico City.


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