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July 4th 2009
Published: July 4th 2009
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Yesterday we spent the day wandering round the ruins of Palenque. This time we were guideless so it was just the information on the plaques that informed us. It's truly breathtaking there, so I'm just going to let the photos rather than me do most of the talking for this one. Some of the murals were from 600BC and extremely well preserved, it's amazing to think of the difference in artistic and architectural development of the Mayan people when compared to that of the Bronze age Celts who were just producing simple geometric patterns at the same time.

Only downside was that it was so hot. The hotel man said it was around 35 degrees and I was totally melting walking up the temples with a bright red beetroot face! Still it was worth it. These temples were different to the ones just outside of Mexico city in that you could walking into the inner chambers ofthese ones where as the temples outside Mexico city were completely solid with no internal spaces.

Back in Palenque town, we hung out for a bit before our second nightbus, just 8 hours this time so not so bad and now we're in Merida in Yuactan. We were all hoping it'd be cooler here as it's close to the coast, but it's just as warm so I'm still melting.....

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Photos: 34, Displayed: 22



Weird branches that grow like a swing. Me having fun on one
Leaf snakeLeaf snake
Leaf snake

Weird dried leaf that looks like a snake

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