Day 8 Palenque Ruins

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North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque
December 8th 2008
Published: January 22nd 2009
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 Video Playlist:

1: Pilgrims in Paleque 38 secs
Day 8 Thurs 11th Dec '08
Brad, Brenda, Christina & myself had breakfast & afterwards we took a collectivo to the runas. We hired Francisco & he was an excellent guide, he brought to life the story of Pakal & the Red Queen. This was my favourite Mayan site with the structures set against the jungle & mist rising from the trees. We saw & heard families of Howler monkeys lurking nearby.

After 3 hrs Brad & me left & we went further up the road to find a more remote temple near a waterfall in the jungle. We returned to the hotel at about 5.50pm. After dinner that evening we sampled some mescal, tequila, & more of the local beer.

There were hundreds of pilgrim joggers circling the main square with pick up trucks & their alarms on. Most of the town turned out to see them, some of these groups brought their own bands.

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Photos: 6, Displayed: 6



Collectivo station

Main square

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