It's all over

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January 2nd 2012
Published: January 2nd 2012
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Hello all,

I am writing my last blog about this incredible 4 month experience. I'd like to thank those of you who have read and followed me throughout my adventures and trips. I felt like I was closer to family and friends by writting my stories here.

In conclusion, the trips I did were amazing. I never thought I'd have the opportunity to see so many beautiful places. The people I met were incredible as well. I have made friendship that, hopefully, will last a lifetime - whether I am close in geography to these people or not (thank you Facebook!).

But the main reason I went to France was to work. And although not everyday at Beaumont-Hamel was easy, each day was memorable. Never would I have imagined feeling a bond with a battlefield as I feel today with BH. The site allowed me to be reminded of the importance of knowing our own history, or being proud of our origins and of what we should all be thankful for today - our freedom.

I can't wait now to visit Newfoundland. And as for BH, I will definitely be back one day, soon I hope.
My messageMy messageMy message

As a tradition, upon leaving, guides write personnal messages in our vsitors' book so that the next guides as well as tourists can share a word of wisdom, or a laugh.

I hope you all had happy holidays. Thank you and take care.


Karine (Karen, Kareen, Tania, Tour Guide, Goose)

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