Québec Province....brrrrr.... il fait froid!

North America » Canada » Quebec » Québec City
October 9th 2010
Published: October 14th 2010
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Touched down in lovely Canada, Ben and I had a rather hairy taxi ride from the airport to Quebec City. The cabbie was driving so fast that I had to ask him to slow down. Thrillseekers we are, suicidal we are not! His reply was "chill out lady, we all drive like this over here!" Ben's subconscious response was "no tippy for this cabby chappy!" and as a result led to some French profanities bei... Read Full Entry

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Lying down on the job...Lying down on the job...
Lying down on the job...

...clearly not a natural runner!

18th October 2010

Christmas Shop
I love the Christmas shop! I hope there are loads in New York (bad news for Ben). Lucky you got out of The Celebrities Hotel alive, especially after you were trapped in your room by mattresses! x
7th November 2010
Yummy French onion soup

i cannot believe Ben would be eating this!!!
Hi Both, looks like your having a fantastic time, looks so beautiful, and how times have changed that we can follow what your both up to. Ben your eating habits have deffinatley become sophisticated....french onion soup, wow Alexa you have certainly got Ben appreciating the finer things in life!!!! carry on having a superdooper time lots of love to you both , the Lewis gang xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
25th November 2010

Hi Lewis Gang Thank you very much for your message. It has been a painful process but Alexa has indeed got me eating vegetables! Mum is so proud! She's even started trying to get me to eat fish but has not had any luck on that front yet! We are having an amazing time on our travels. We are currently in Orlando although will be flying to South America next week. Time is going so quickly. Our favourite city thus far has been San Francisco although our best experience has been our helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon. Glad to hear that you are following our progress on the blog. Take care and hopefully see you again soon. Love Ben and Alexa xx

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