Another day in Quebec

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February 1st 2008
Published: February 1st 2008
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It's now 6 PM in the evening. It's been snowing all day, and the City is like a winter wonderland, with fresh, white snow, Christmas lights, and bundled-up people scurring down the streets --just like the Kedl photo I posted this morning. They announce 20-30 cms of snow during the evening. It's -8%, but the wind chill factor is -18%. Hopefully, the fireworks will still be held later on this evening. We'd also like to see the ice sculptures.

Marc told me yesterday that Quebecois people are really honest, and now I believe it! I unwittingly dropped my wallet in front of a computer supply shop in the rue St. Jean about 1 PM. Realizing I didn't have it at about 2 PM when I went to pay for lunch in a restaurant, I returned to the shop to ask if they had found it. Some very kind soul had turned it in! Not a cent missing, and my credit cards, French identity card and driving licence were still there. I doubt this would ever happen in Paris, that's for sure!

After this escapade, I walked a bit around Le Vieux Quartier and then visited the Musée de l'Amérique française, which is housed in the former Quebec Seminary founded by Bishop de Laval in 1663. In addition to showing the life of students at the Seminary, the museum's exhibits show the life of the Iroquian people in the St. Lawrence River Valley and the history of the French in North America, from Acadia to Louisiana and the Quebec area to the western Canadian plains. I particularly liked the film they showed where a Quebecois singer-story teller tells the history of Quebec, accompanied by musicians. As an oral historian, I also liked all the oral history testimonies they used to complement the exhibits. 'Spent about 3 hours there, as it was very interesting.


2nd February 2008

nice snow in Italy too,
Hi, My short ski vacation to Champoluc with Annalisa was great. Nice sunny weather and lots of snow. I suprised myself and was amazed at Annalisa's techniques - she hadn't skied since she was about 10 years old. We both did very well and on the last day, skied on the upper levels - red slopes. The hotel was fine and comfortable - 'demi pensions[' with good food and very comfortable room. Travel by train was a bit too long and complicated, arrived 1 AM to find a rainy and cold Paris. Thanks for the recommendation for Champoluc it was perfect. take care,

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