Getting ready

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March 13th 2007
Published: March 13th 2007
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The journey begins...
On saturday we booked our tickets and got some vaccinations. Next appointment will be in a few weeks. Next shots are: yellow fever, thyphoid, cholera and twinrix.
We received confirmation from the organization that our placement and host family have been found and are getting ready for our arrival.
On the way back from Ghana we have a lay-over in London for 14 hours. Can't wait to do some sight seeing.
Right now, we are focussing on getting our fundraising situation in place and on the move. Not too sure what we will be doing just yet, jotting down some ideas for now.
Some nerves going into this adventure, but i am sure that in the end, all the stress and planning will be worthwhile.
...we'll have to wait and see...


13th March 2007

Wow Ghana, that is going to be such an adventure! How long are you going to be there for? And London is amazing you are going to love it!!! I want to wish an amazing and safe adventure and do post blogs when you get a chance I would love to read about it. Good luck with the fundraiser and everything that you might encounter on your adventure. Take care and lots of love Izzyxoxox
13th March 2007

Hi Izzy, Im going for a little over a month. Ill be volunteetring at an orphanage, teaching various subjects and taking care of the children. The kids range from ages 10 months to 14 years old. ièll keep you posted. give me a call sometime, we will get together before i leave. lost your number! im still at the same one. miss you lots xoxox

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