Rachel and Shane are going to China!

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April 15th 2008
Published: April 15th 2008
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The China Syndrome

China shoppingChina shoppingChina shopping

From my trip to Hong Kong...can't wait to buy all kinds of Maomorbilia in China
With one major trip behind me, the next stop on the map is a post-Olympics trip to Beijing and Shanghai for 2 weeks with my boyfriend Shane.

We've been planning the trip now for a few months before we leave at the end of September.
Lots of research and organizing to do since we are going it alone, without a tour since we're both independent travellers. It'll be my second trip to China but my first time in Beijing and Shaghai, and Shane's first trip to Asia.
We are spending 8 days in beijing and the surrounding area and another 4 days in Shanghai before returnign back to Canada.

Stay tuned for travel blogs from China!


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