366 Days Down Under - The Planning Stages

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November 15th 2005
Published: June 23rd 2006
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Outbound travels

Tom and I have started some intense planning for our year in Australia. Family will be happy to know that we're intending to be around for Christmas 2005 and probably 2006 as well.

We've finally met with a travel agent and supposedly flights from Toronto to Hong Kong are booked up tight for the end of December, so we do need to book now. Here are our plans so far: Toronto to Hong Kong (via Anchorage) • 3 days in Hong Kong • travel to Beijing • 4 days in Beijing • travel back to Hong Kong and then onto Sydney

Once settled in Copacabana for a few days, we'll be taking our real "vacation" in Fiji. A week there should refresh us and get us ready to teach at the end of January.

Sarah will be teaching Grade 5 and Tom will be teaching senior maths/sciences at Central Coast Grammar School.


until we return to Canada


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