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April 23rd 2007
Published: April 23rd 2007
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We're in Ottawa right now visiting with our daughter. Here's our itinerary in Europe for future reference:
April 24: Depart for Frankfurt
April 25-26: Frankfurt: We hope to take an excursion down the Rhine to view the castles.
April 27-May 1: Paris:We've rented an apartment on Avenue de la Bourdonnais, from which we (supposedly) can see the Eiffel Tower. We intend to see all the sights we have time for, eat lots of good food, and drink some wine. Then we pick up our Peugot at the airport and head north.
May 1 - 9: Boulogne sur Mer (near Calais) From here, we'll tour around, perhaps venturing into England, Belgium, Holland--who knows? But we'll visit some of the war memorials, gardens, and whatever else looks interesting.
May 9-12: Making our way down to Bonnieux (in Provence): We're taking a couple of days to drive. Depending on travel time, we may go down the west coast, or we may go inland. We will arrive in Bonnieux, Provence early on the 12th.
May 12-20: Provence: We'll stay in Bonnieux and tour around that area and may even drive into neighbouring countries.
May 20-22: Driving to Zurich where we head back to Canada on the 23rd.


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