Our First Trip!

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May 15th 2006
Published: May 23rd 2006
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0


After a short tutorial from Nick and Mona, we are heading off on a nine day "trial trip" down to southern point of Nova Scotia. Copper is getting used to the driving and loves running off the leash and chasing the seagulls along the ocean. We are having a wonderful time and enjoying every minute of retirement.
On the 20th we arrived in Yarmouth. We will keep you posted.
Hope everyone is well, Doug and Nancy and Copper too!


23rd May 2006

get back here
Hey- we are looking forward to you coming back to Halifax. Are we going to be able to hook up on Saturday or Sunday???? Cheryl
23rd May 2006

Glad to hear that you both are enjoying yourselves in Nova Scotia. Isn't retirement great! You never have to be in a rush to go anywhere. Say hi to Nick and Mona for us. Take care. Jane and Wayne
9th June 2006

2 Weeks Notice
Mom just give us a 2 week notice before you are in Florida :) Angela do you and Cory want to go to Florida? I might know someone who could put us up for a few nights....LOL Take care and lots of Love from us in Kingston P.S. Our phone number will still be the same once we move so there shouldn't be any excuses...I'll even accept collect calls till you guys abuse it...

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