Arrived at Canada Safely

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March 2nd 2006
Published: March 2nd 2006
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Well, I am now sitting in my Uncle Lukes, Aunty Cathy and Cousin Jason's house in lovely Sechelt B.C. I have just woken up from my huge day yesterday suffering a little bit of Jet Lag. IT IS ALMOST 2PM IN THE AFTERNOON !!

The plane trip was pretty cool, it was a huge 747 and we had those little TV's on the seat in front of us with a remote !! I watched a few movies like Lord of The Rings 1, Harry Potter 4 etc. They also had video cameras set up on the front of airplane and one looking straight down under it which passengers were able to watch if they wanted to. That was cool. I Had some nice food and just sipped down a few orange juices and water.

The Vancouver airport was hectic, First i had to get through customs, then had to get my luggage and then i had to go to Immigration in regard to my work visa, that took bloody ages but finally got there.

My Uncle Luke and Jason picked me up and we went and picked up Jason's sister Rebecca from High School and briefly saw her and then dropped her off at her dancing school.

We then went and boarded the ferry to go from Vancouver to Sechelt which was good. We had some urgently needed food on there for lunch and then went out the front of it and stood in the strong cold wind. Geez - it was cold !! The surrounding snow topped mountains and scenery was beautiful though.

By this point i was overloading with tiredness and was just read to doze off at any moment.

In Sechelt, we stopped by my uncle's work for a short period of time and then arrived at his house, caught up with my Aunty, had a really nice hot cooked meal, watched some TV and then passed out. It was so nice just to get in that spacious warm soft bed after being like a tinned sardine on that plane and not being able to sleep properly !!

Until next time ! Dave Hardy


4th March 2006

Dave mate more entries your getting slack haha hope ya having a ball chat soon

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