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March 5th 2008
Published: March 5th 2008
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We are back in the UK

We returned home from New Zealand via Vancouver. This part of the trip was a real joy as we were catching up with some old friends who live in and around the Vancouver area; college friends as well as people we met when we did our 6 month house swap in this area in 1990 and friends from Freeland who have a house in Kamloops near Sun Peaks ski resort.

We are back in the UK now in our own house, we got back on 3rd March and we are here for the next few months. It’s just beautiful in the UK - sun is shining and the daffodils and crocuses are out. Each time we return to the UK we appreciate just how lovely is England - just a bit too crowded in the south though.

If things work out as planned for 2008, Colin will return to Kupang, West Timor in June for 5 months to finish the job he started last year and I may join him later for 3 months as there is some IT training to be done. I’ll also travel to the boystown in Thailand at the end of 2008. My visit to boystown still remains the best experience of the trip for me.

A belated Happy New Year and many thanks to you all for taking an interest in our travels by reading this blog. It has been a good discipline for me to write a journal and organise my photos. Starting and maintaining a blog is a commitment and it’s good to know that people don’t have to plough through it all if they are not interested - I’ve gazed on the bored faces of many a trapped student over the years and put up with sleepers in my lectures (just so long as they don’t snore - you know those loud snorty snores we do as we wake up - really distracting!!!!) so I can see the value in being able to opt out of reading it after all some of you still work for a living!!!!

Anyway I have really appreciated your kind comments, messages and emails. At times I have felt a long way away and desperate for news of home and messages in not Pidgin English.

bye for now


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