Days 11 and 12: Are we there yet?

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May 22nd 2017
Published: May 26th 2017
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I didn't write anything on Monday because we had no Internet and we really did nothing but drive… Ho-hum
Tuesday, we started off on a high note with a picture of us all standing by that famous sign signaling the start of the Alcan highway. Well, it all went down to basically B-flat from there. The 384 mile trip from Dawson Creek to some godforsaken place ( I honestly have no clue where I actually am right now ) should have taken roughly 6 1/2 hours but no of course not, it took 9!?
I wish I could astound you with awe-inspiring details of the trip, but no, scrawny trees and logging camps are just not my thing. But things picked up in the last half hour: Splendour in the grass: 2 bears and a dead deer---how over-whelming...And then I had the pleasure of going to our RV park which touted their amenities on Facebook ---Tetsa River Lodge(lol) I simply must enumerate their amenities: easy pull through's, well we spent 20 minutes trying to level the RV; Power, 15 amp , well that meant you couldn't dry your hair and make coffee at the same time or any two appliances

Miles and miles...
for that matter; gas at $1.59 a llitre and the most we had had to spend was $1.07; fresh well water, yeah , Peggy and I had to share which meant coordinating shower times; the owner's world famous cinnamon buns and homemade bread, (which was under cooked and honestly, Quentin's is 10 times better than hers! Wi-Fi, well where is it ? oh it's at their store which closes at 7 o'clock ;laundry : only eight dollars a load and she refused to honor the exchange rate. Ergo: Come to Tetsa River campground and jump into rip-off world !
The only saving grace is that I got a wonderful picture of Indianhead mountain, (British Columbia's old man in the mountain) which has a crag resembling a classic Indian profile.
The Allan highway continues from here ( I guess somewhere where he passed Fort Nelson but who cares at this point ) so who knows what Joy's tomorrow will bring.


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