Anyone fancy a kebab

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Middle East » Turkey
October 5th 2009
Published: October 5th 2009
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View across Bodrum harbour to the Castle

Well yesterday was a day just meandering the alleyways and little bazaars of Bodrum, its was exceedingly nice, chilled and had an air about it similar to Padstow.Typical of the Turkish people i had met was a waiter at one of the little cafes tucked well inside the old town,sat down with one a glass of Turkish tea and wrote my postcards out and watched the world go by and my host interacting with regulars and other shop keepers, he was quite a character. I had another tea and we started a little chat about this and that and then he asked if i liked the tea, i said yes (i had had two!) and he said would I like another then, i said oh go on, thought it was a bit of a sales pitch but when he brought it he said the last two were on the house!!! now he asked for 2 lire, about a pound i had been there enjoying his company for a good hour taking up one of his prime tables, would that happen at home,,,no way.tipped him generously shook his hand and said bye, when he found the tip on the table
Turkey coastal road southTurkey coastal road southTurkey coastal road south

Views like this were to be found for the complete coast road
he shouted to me thanks have a nice trip or something like that,, i liked that. Later went for a meal that was rather spoilt by six i presume Russians, they were loud, complained about the food and service, both which i had found good on two occasions, and ate with the manner of pigs, they thought that throwing money around excused there manners, maybe to the Turkish waiters who had to pander to there every whim, but not me. It wound me up a little and when two more girls joined then one of them showed that she was more than a little embarrassed, I let them know i was not impressed and left.
Packed up and on the road by 9, checked out woodys new purchase at flamingo park (where do they get the names from )apartment on the Tulip block tulips.Looked OK if not quite finished ,
just like Turkey.

Pushed on to Antalya, what a road, i was grinning from ear to ear as another switchback linked to straight to a hairpin to another switchback along the coast road, stunning scenerery, dodgy road surface in places brought about a couple of slides, but i just
cup of tea anyonecup of tea anyonecup of tea anyone

This has got to be one of the best things, proper tea and its lovely.
couldn't help pushing. Flew past everything, was getting a little carried away (alot) and really caning the KTM which took it all in its stride. Saying we were fully loaded it could still hustle and made me feel good to be alive.Not sure of how many miles, two fill ups so must be about 500k got to Antalya to find no ferry, another 120k to Alanya,by this time I was quite tired and it was getting dark. Everything hotel or pension seemed to be full tried a few very big hotels to find the fully booked, and then i had a change of tack, try off the beaten track a little, 2 km away from the port where the end of Ramadan was really kicking off with dancing in the streets I found a smallish all inclusive hotel with a room. The guy running it ran a gsxr600 and was bike mad, he escorted me to the port with his scooter which was far easier nipping through the traffic than the wide KTM, but hey ho, ferry ok for foot passengers but no moto passage, as no customs post....further south down the coast tomorrow.

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My friend Ohran, this guy is a speed freak!!!

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