Snacks and food in Turkey

Middle East » Turkey
June 25th 2008
Published: June 28th 2008
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Being interested in food makes traveling even more exciting. Not only do İ like to see different types of foods and learn new ways of preparing familiar ingredients, but İ also enjoy photographıng food. In fact İ photograph nearly every meal İ eat. İ especially love photos of street food, markets and vendors. We in the overdeveloped nations miss out on alot of good fun street food, nothi... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 43, Displayed: 21


Donut vendorDonut vendor
Donut vendor

Thıs guy is ready to call it quits.

28th June 2008

A question for the birthday boy and general letter to the happy travelers
Yo Scott, You look a little rough in this photo. Josh and I were wondering if you were tired, ate too much or found some good hash. We miss you and think of you often. You and Emily are our heros! Enjoy your stay in India. Ada and I went to the Indian restaurant by campus yesterday and we were talking about the food and culture, about you two and about going ourselves someday. More photos! Maybe you think its cheesy or that there are more interesting things to look at, but I want to see more photos of you two! Ada says hi, Josh says yo and I say have a safe and peaceful journey and please keep in touch. Namaste.
2nd July 2008

rice pudding and Magnums?
What do you think of the rice pudding in Turkey? Also, can we get Magnum icecream bars in Turkey?

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