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Middle East » Turkey
January 7th 2010
Published: November 10th 2017
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Geo: 39.5489, 26.6053

Decide to head out early and get as far as possible towards Gallipoli, the map showed good roads and we made excellent progress. We avoided all temptations to stop at any fallen piles of stone, yes it was hard for me however I chose to make the sacrifice for Lisa's sake as she was going stone crazy. Don't tell Lisa but I think there are castles in France & England, so I am saving some browny points.

Instead of playing 'I Spy with my Little Eye' (Lisa hates this game) we decided to count the number of different brands selling fuel. At the end of the day we counted 24 different brands… now we cannot understand this predominantly because fuel is so expensive and there does not seem enough cars on the road to justify the outlet numbers.

We did stop to fill up Shorty, put in $200 TL and got 64 ltrs, crap deal, the chap felt sorry for us as we were gazing at the snow capped mountains he offered us some chai and a bottle of green stuff that smell like paint stripper. I recon it is car detergent, Lisa recons she figured out what it was first but I recon the jury is still out. However it created and interesting conversation point for some time as to what this green stuff was.

We are struggling to communicate even at the basic levels, you know… where is the crapper… which door to the crapper do you go into… The doors are labelled.. Baya and Bayaan.. I thought this meant if ya want to do a number 1 then go to the Baya or a number 2 go to the Bayaan… Lisa has taken to loitering outside of the crapper waiting for a female to waltz in and quickly follows suit.. sometimes with some Ernst…

Help is required, if anybody knows the words for ‘we are vegetarian' please reply.. in either in Turk or Greek.. Example for your reference… At tonight's camp we tried to arrange an omelette with tomatoes and other stuff…. The result was 4 uncooked egg's still in their shells… not too bad because we had a can of beans and some bread so egg & beans on toast was enjoyed.

The great thing about travelling Turkey in the off peak season is there is almost no tourists… the bad thing is nearly all campsites, hotels and pensions are closed… Tonight we are camped amongst some nice olive trees in a campsite that is closed, the chaps are having a ‘Disco' out the front and the weather is closing in… However all is not bleak as we have had egg & beans on toast sitting next to a fire made from wood we stole whilst in Jordan (Dave we collected this from a pile that nobody seemed to own, so technically is was free to take!! J) As for the disco it seems like traditional stuff (Kris you would enjoy the guitar rifts they are playing but as for the singing it is of concern)

Oh we purchased some Turkish delight, as one does in Turkey, and it is a mixed box that looks great.. Lots of coloured things that seemed to hold great promise. Now this box has also provided many kilometres of fun.. it goes like this…. Which coloured thing do you want…. I would like the red one…. Hummm… what flavour is it…. Hummm…. I am not sure…. Can I have a green one…. Hummm what flavour is it… hummm…. Etc etc….

However we have ascertained that they all contain lots of colours and flavours that seem to make me (Darren) jump around like a kid with ADT… great stuff.. Humm can I now have a brown one…

The crazy thing about this type of travel is that by the time you have some country's language basics it is time to cross the next border, however Turkey has been particularly hard to grasp.. Greece tomorrow.. oh shit here we go again..


8th January 2010 yeah, you still stealing from the impoverished locals? No wonder Aus loses the rugby if you are a bunch of convicts. And you deserve raw eggs and beans for supper, so no wingeing.. and this site doesn't like profanity!
9th January 2010

Thats not swearing in Australia... Dave... thats local talk for sure do,sh*t yeah, kick a_rse, Sex on wheels...snaop!,

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