Blogs from Sur, Oman, Middle East - page 2


Middle East » Oman » Sur May 24th 2015

We awoke early the next day ready to head south on our Oman road trip. Leaving Muscat we drove south on the highway through the extensive Hajar Mountain range before arriving at the Bimmah Sinkhole. It's essentially a huge hole in the ground created by the collapse of the limestone surface and filled with inviting turquoise water. Trunks on, I wandered in watching little fish dart around not knowing that as soon as I stopped moving they'd start nibbling away! Kind of like what those fish pedicure things are like I suppose, it was ticklish but a little unnerving! So the sinkhole essentially has a waist high plateau before plunging down to who knows how deep. You can't see the bottom, just an endless blue down into the depths. No-one has been able to measure how ... read more
Bimmah Sinkhole
Wadi Shab
Wadi Shab

Middle East » Oman » Sur November 23rd 2011

Prayer time in the United Arab Emirates started at 12:30pm, just as we sauntered up to the passport control window located on one side of the tiny box of a building on the border with Oman. No one was there; a stamp and ink pad lay haphazardly to one side of a stack of unfinished paperwork, the one light bulb dim, a ballpoint pen dangling half off the countertop. Then we spotted the body on the far side of the little room. He was on his knees, facing Mecca and deep in prayer. We had to wait to be stamped out of the country – a classic Arab wait – for the one man inside this building to finish his Salat, the obligatory Muslim prayer. A few minutes later, the officer rolled up his mat with ... read more
All alone somewhere in the middle of Oman
Wadi Shab
Dunes and Nat's car

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