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November 12th 2008
Published: November 12th 2008
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Haunting face is highlighted in postcards at British Museum. I did see this statue; a woman contorted in gymnastic stand. The statue was in the Greek section, in lower rooms.
It has been a few days since my last blog. I've been busy going to my favourite places in England. At this moment in time, I want to acknowledge the supportive comments from people around the world. Glad you enjoy the photos. Thanks for sharing your heritage with me, and I hope you go to these places soon. This blog is a way to share photos and touristy thoughts with friends and family. If I positively affect other people along the way, very good!
O.K. Where have I been? Up to Barnsley in Yorkshire, down to London to see my favourite places, and over to Sutton Bridge. I have caught up with old friends and celebrated Guy Fawkes day several times at several towns.
This downtime has given me a chance to think about my experiences. So many people, personalities, histories, urban and rural places, needs and wants, conflicts and harmony; what a world we live in! Where do I fit in?
It has been a privilege to slip in and out of towns and houses. Better than a fly on a wall, I interact with many, sometimes to conduct commerce, sometimes to have short intense bursts of conversation. I've been
Trafalgar SquareTrafalgar SquareTrafalgar Square

I met Heather for a couple of days in London. On our first walk out we went to National Art gallary at the top of this square. Thrilling to see VanGogh's sunflower picture, and Renoirs prints. Culture...I love London's culture.
bored waiting for trains, greatly entertained by theatre, amused by the quirks of life. Where do I fit in?
Lessons learned? Love, laughter and appreciation: keep these always in your mind.
Museums are not only to see what was created in the past. They are reminders that everyday things around you might well be viewed (and judged) in the far future, and those people should not be the only ones who appreciate what you have....you should too. Why do you accumulate that pottery, those pieces of jewelry, those artifacts in your house? What kind of shrines are in your communities, and what exactly DO they mean?
If I could choose three items that I'd want to represent me in two thousand years time, what would they be? Not sure, will work on an answer. Maybe at the end of my travels I'll see enough of the things that survived a few thousand years to be able to judge what is practical and worthy to stand that length of time.
Tomorrow I will fly to Turkey to see the city that sits between two continents. More old things to muse about, ha ha ha More scenarios to step into for a
Towards Oxford StreetTowards Oxford StreetTowards Oxford Street

When we walked from hotel to Oxford Street we found terrific little deli/restaurant. It is on Davies street, just before Oxford, if you are ever in the neighbourhood.
short period of time.

Additional photos below
Photos: 35, Displayed: 23



Top corner of Trafalgar Square; I use to come here regularly when I lived in London

We have similar photos taken many years ago when we first went over to England.

Heather and I went to see the musical 'Wicked' near Victoria station. It was great, you have to see it if you come to London.
View from hotelView from hotel
View from hotel

Spent first night here. Not bad hotel near Victoria station.
Gordon Who?Gordon Who?
Gordon Who?

If we had time, we would have eaten here.....by time, I mean a month to do all the things on our list.

Interesting weave of cultures, eh?
Leicester SquareLeicester Square
Leicester Square

We went here to get theatre tickets and ice cream.
Picadilly SquarePicadilly Square
Picadilly Square

The sky was beautiful, sun after a rainy day.
Regent StreetRegent Street
Regent Street

Even though we were tired, we pressed on to find the Liberty store.

Setting sun against Christmas lights along Regent Street

Layers of light, interesting that top of buildings is most bright
Carnaby StreetCarnaby Street
Carnaby Street

Close to the Liberty store

I think this is one of the oldest stores in London
Front of storeFront of store
Front of store

View from street

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