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June 2nd 2008
Published: June 3rd 2008
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So, back to what happened on Monday. I got the train into London City at around 11am, just in time to have lunch with my Uncle Andrew. I then headed off the St Paul's Cathedral. That place is massive! I didn't make it upstairs to whisper along the 'Whispering Wall' but, then again, not travelling with anyone else kinda made that idea pointless anyway.

After that, I got onto the Big Red Bus Tour (or whatever it was called). Basically this bus drives around and stops at, like, 80 tourist stops. You can get on and off whenever you like, and the ticket is valid for 24 hours so u can do it over 2 days if you wanted to. I rode the bus, taking photos from the top deck, for about an hour or so then got off to have a look around the shops for awhile. I got off in some kind of theatre area, where there were tons of places selling cheap tickets to shows like The Lion King and Phantom of the Opera. I got back on the bus after a bit of wandering around til about 5pm. Coffee and cake, then got on the bus back to St Albans (about 20 mins from the city via train).

Looking back at my photos of the day, there are several places which I stuggled to remember the name of. Must fix the labels of those later on Facebook...

I came home Monday night to a horrified Marlene when I mentioned that I had locked her precious Tilly outside that morning. Little to my knowledge, Tilly gets to stay inside during the day. Lucky the dog walker came mid morning and let her in. I felt really bad, but it was kind of funny!

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Bird HotelBird Hotel
Bird Hotel

This is actually the nsme of the artwork

The Queen is in town apparently

4th June 2008

London views
the stuff to look at is really interesting, but the thing you will want to see most shortly is wide blue sky?
4th June 2008

that "some kind of theatre area" you were in wasn't the West End by chance? .....from the experts....London's main theatre district is located in the heart of the West End of the city centre, and is traditionally defined by The Strand to the south, Oxford Street to the north, Regent Street to the west, and Kingsway to the east although The South Bank Complex is now considered by some to be part of it. Prominent theatre streets include Drury Lane, Shaftesbury Avenue, and The Strand.
4th June 2008

no idea... i wasn't really looking to see where i was :)
4th June 2008

i don't think london has ever seen blue sky...
6th June 2008

Go to the theatre if you get the chance, its your best bet to see someone famous :) all the big movie stars love to have a go on the stage.
6th June 2008

blue sky
I managed to miss most of Englands bad weather while I was travelling... for example when I took Kim on tour through London, it was blue, sunny and sometimes pretty hot! More astonishing was that no matter when you looked up, you could always see at least 2 or 3 jet aeroplanes flying through the sky. Before one of them made it over the horizon, another would appear from somewhere else!!

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