Fears, concerns, expectations and route map

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July 5th 2007
Published: July 5th 2007
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Ed's Travel Route

Ed's Travel Route
Ed Smith
Click on the image on the left to view my travel map

Things I'm most excited about

Eating pancakes with butter and syrup for breakfast, a Supersize fast food meal for lunch and a massive steak for dinner, all at low US prices
Learning Spanish with one-on-one teaching at dirt cheap prices
Living with a Guatemalan family
Snorkling off the coast of Belize, in the second largest reef in the world
The possiblity that my volunteering might actually improve people's lives, not just my Spanish.
Mayan ruins
Meeting new people wherever I go (and believe me I will certainly be trying to)
Treking up volcanoes
Seeing if American girls like English accents as much as the films make out

Things I'm concerned about

Eating rice and beans for breakfast lunch and dinner in Central America, particularly when I'm staying with a local family when volunteering. Worse case scenario is I come to hate it as much as daal in India. I didn't even eat that very often.
American Border Control. I have no booked onward travel and the embassy website seems to suggest I don't need it but who knows with the yanks.
Malaria, Dengue fever, parasites, snakes, rabies
Armed gangs who rob tourist buses and other violent crime
Whether I'll actually be any use helping with teaching etc. with my poor knowledge of Spanish/teaching/English language structure (when teaching it)
Loneliness when travelling alone/not finding a travel buddy
Digestive problems: I seem to have weak inards, even triggered by college food - causing as many discomforts for those around me as to myself.
Smelly cyclers with sweat drenched clothes staying in the same room as me every night
Whether or not I should grow a beard again and if so, whether I should grew it for 2.5 months continually.

The four main reasons why American immigration rules are stupid

1) Onward travel bookings doesn't mean you're necessarily going to use it
2) I have to prove I'm leaving not only the USA but also Canada and Mexico
3) Rules seem to change depending on whether you're arriving by land or by air/sea (hence why I don't need proof of onward travel)
4) They don't let people with HIV or people who have ever been arrested but not charged in


5th July 2007

Visit Boston!
Hey Ed, I'd thoroughly recommend visiting Boston and some of New Hampshire. I went a couple of summers ago and had an awesome time. In Boston you can take a Duck tour of the city in an amphibious vehicle (http://www.bostonducktours.com/) and lots of other good stuff. Look forward to hearing more from your blog. Alex
6th July 2007

Cheers Alex, I'll pass it on to the others, they were considering doing a day trip there from New York but I don't think they will have time in their schedule now.
8th July 2007

new york
Ed are you really in New York?! Heck! I was there only last week....! You have to go to Central Park because it's so wonderful. Also, for day trips from New York; Philadelphia is really interesting as that's where the Liberty Bell is and where the declaration of Independence was signed etc..(all against those evil British colonisers...) Also Princeton is beautiful - the uni is modelled on Cambridge and the houses around town are all clapboard with verandas - exactly like in movies....! Where are you off to next and when? It's so exciting! Wish I had enough money to come see you - unfortunately Brett and I are trying to organise our summer holiday with a meagre budget of £150 each...hmm. Anyways good luck - keep us all informed! xxx
11th July 2007

New York - not yet
Thanks for your comment Mary. No I'm not in NY yet, I'm in Niagara Falls, had a brilliant day. We'll be there in less than a week I think, see www.teamamerica2007.com for a full itinerary. Did you go to all of those places? Who did you go with? Unfortunately I won't be going to any of the other places you recommend although I think the others may be.

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