Yes we are still here

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May 21st 2007
Published: May 21st 2007
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Well yes I know it has been a while since we (Sam) last updated this. However I'm sure no one wanted to read another entry like the NIN number one a few weeks back. (By the way we have now both received our National Insurance Number cards, which are very ugly and realy of no use to us at the momment)

Anyways I just wanted to write to let everyone know that no we have not been abducted by aliens. And yes we are still working........ (surprise surprise).

The biggest news I've really got is that the weather has turned again. Which is surprisingly more satisfying then the sunshine we were getting. You see I came over here with the impression that the weather was always crappy and rainy and windy and kind of cold but then for like 3 weeks in April the weather was gorgeous. It has now started to become rainy and windy and kind of cold (just as I anticipated).

Well we are now on the countdown to the tour. Only 42 days to go until we finish here and then a few more days until the tour starts. Yay!

Anyways that's pretty much all I have for you. We are hoping to get a day off next week together so we can go somewhere other than Redhill.

Oops I almost forgot to mention. Because of the rainy weather today. I was forced to by my first ever umbrella. Yes we have now been in this country almost 4 full months and we did not own a raincoat or umbrella. So I got one today for 3GBP. Very crappy and it doens't actaully fit both of us under it. (Tyson should have bought his own!!!)

Sorry....... See what you have to read about when we haven't been doing things. No one wants to hear about my purchase of an umbrella. (By the way it's black....)

Anyways that's all I have for now. Hope everyone is well.

Miss you all.
Love to Everyone

Bye bye now.

Samantha and Tyson

Sorry I don't even have any pictures for this entry. Which makes it even more boring.


22nd May 2007

Goodbye and Safe Travels
Hey Sam and Tyson, Sorry that I haven't managed to catch up with you whilst you have been here. It's funny how you get into a little rut and just go to work and go home etc. Enjoy the rest of your time here and safe travels. See you back in big old Boonah. K
22nd May 2007

haha u could be mary poppins.. cowboys vs bulldogs this weekend i'll be there...should be good..i think the cowboys might come through..depends who's out from state of origin and who's in though... But yes very disappointing loss for the Titans on the weekend...But good things are yet to come from my Peace out

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