northern uk rampage

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April 9th 2007
Published: April 9th 2007
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So jumped in a van and did a 5 day tour about the place, went to lots of places..
oxford, sherwood forest, york- stayed a night, had a ''viking feast'' i didnt know vikings had deep fryers- but ok! then went on a ghost walk around the city with this crack up as guy dressed as like an oldin day doctor or something it was totally nerdy but very funny!
Next morning headed north some more, went through newcastle, saw the angel of the north (??) some millenium thing apprently, saw an old wall, hadrians wall in fact (ahhhhh more old rocks!), then finally made it to edinburgh (yeeeeeaaaay) for a wander, whiskey drinking and haggis- which is really good, just like spicy mince! then went out for a look on the town- surprisingly busy for a tuesday night! went to a pub with a one man band, who was so mung he couldnt remember the words let alone how to play the gitar which was highly amusing

next day gretna green- where people used to run away and get hitched in the old days, then the lake district (note singular 'L'ake district, there are heeeaps of lake's'. hows
halls of residencehalls of residencehalls of residence

complete with white doves and flowers. stingy connie, bryant didnt even have grass!
that for good england?).

aaand theeeeen. liverpool. rankous. went to 'beatles pub' (fake, rebuilt and renamed as the original), and a pub where the mens toilets are a national heritage site- ?what the? had to have a look= all marble- but still smelt like wee's.
there is a hole part of the city (round liverpool and Everton FCs, funnily enuf) that is just bordered up houses. in the centre it looked allright- a bit to much velour for my liking tho!

Ferryed across the mersey into north wales looked at castles, which are like every 10 meters, ooh dad- one is for sale, you should totally buy it- better than an overturned dingy on the beach eeh? looked around snowdonia nat park
Stayed in the craig y nos castle, went for a horse ride, packed myself coz castle suposedly haunted. didnt see any ghosts, just a grumpy welsh reception mole in the morning, who growled us for wandering around. mole. the only mole in the village tho. must be lonely.
last day went to stratford apon avon, which is the shakespeare town, drove through cotswolds then back to london.

In summary. the further north you go the
sherwood forestsherwood forestsherwood forest

robin hood tree, or one that looked similar i.e. a tree
funnier the accents get. nz looks like wales exept the sheep have tails. and animal imitations are different in different countrys- we spent a lot of time in a van evidently!

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hadrians wallhadrians wall
hadrians wall

seperated scotland form england back in the day
royal mileroyal mile
royal mile

bars, bars, bars, kilt shops
gretna greengretna green
gretna green

shotgun wedding

7th May 2007

Get near coast in wales? is there surf AND castles?

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