Organized Chaos

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August 4th 2019
Published: August 4th 2019
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Southampton, UK

Wonderful night’s sleep for me - wish I could say the same for Christopher. He never sleeps the day before a travel change. Even though we stayed on board Marina, we had to “swap sides” from Port to Starboard….I’m SO turned around!! Moved from 11036 to 11033 – actually, QUITE easy. Went through Immigration – piece of cake and had a chance to say goodbye to Jim & Linda (they are off to Nautica for a trip to Greenland and back to Southampton). Nautica is visible from our ship but only from above decks.

As we were going to the Lounge for Immigration, we saw SO MANY new faces. Never did see Helen or Martha again. Probably kept their distance given my scowl upon opening the door way back when! For a brief while we had the ship to ourselves. Our own Private Yacht. Didn’t last long….well, certainly not long enough for me. So many new people to break in.

So, off to a quiet place to read…yeah…good luck with that on a disembarkation/embarkation day. This ship is organized chaos. Our butler and Stewardess were ENORMOUS help in our move. In fact we just had to get things out of drawers and into bags - they did the rest. Spoiled? YOU BET!

Once everything was moved, we had to get a new key….which proved more of a challenge than we were led to believe. We were told 10am. NOPE. Well, we locked our room. OK, “temp” key created. SO….if they can create a “temp” key, why can’t they create a “real” key? Asking for a friend….. Crazy. So, we went up to Horizons and read.

11am. Back at the front desk which is NOW bustling with new guests confused etc. Our new key took a bit to be created. New rule. NEVER changing rooms again! Only had to because the guests would not allow us to stay in ours, we didn’t book extension until later. Our fault – Never again! Too many mixed messages and the left hand not knowing what the right was doing. Will admit…Butler & Stewardess were ON IT (both Port & Starboard). It was the “managers” who were dropping the ball (or sending mixed and confused messages).

Espresso!!! Gaia at Barista, Christopher & I had a wonderful visit. She hails from Torino, Father Sicilian, Mother Roman. We chatted for a good long while. She joined the ship in Bergen after a 1 year hiatus from Regent. We will visit her OFTEN!

Lunch – a hot dog at waves. So many new faces, but one couple said hello and welcomed us back as well…must admit… I don’t really remember them – but OK! We greeted them said a few words then hit the pool deck for a little light reading. Christopher finished Underground Railroad – he too loved it. He’s moved on to Hamilton, which I read a while back and LOVED! Reminds me of current times politically!!!!!

Southampton is VERY BUSY today. At least 5 ships in port. They are managing the process well. Hope Jim & Linda don’t have any trouble getting to Nautica.

OK….enough sitting about. I’m off to the fitness center for a workout. Mindful of my back, which is MUCH better now, I did a LOT of stretching, some upper body lifting and cardio; after which I speed walked the 14th deck for about 45 minutes while listening to the Mo Rocca podcast “Mobituaries” about Audrey Hepburn (ADORE her). Like his podcast – so interesting. Also like the Chris Hayes Podcast “Why is This Happening”. REALLY like his podcast about the history of concentration camps. Have to read that woman’s book. Concentration camps started in the US, during Civil War!!

OK…enough about podcasts and history. Christopher just returned from HIS workout – so he’s about to jump in the shower (I hope).

Organized Chaos. That’s all I have to say about today.

So the ship was supposed to depart Southampton at 6pm. We were delayed due to “organizational Issues”….whatever that means. Hope this isn’t an omen. I believe it isn’t.

Dinner tonight – Grand Dining room…or so we thought! We got to the GDR, gave our stateroom number and were told – OH….Mr James & Mr Christopher – you have reservations at Red Ginger. SCORE! Reservations were made SO LONG ago – we had forgotten. We already selected a bottle of wine, 2016 Lambert Bridge Cab Franc (Oh….how we love this wine…let me count the ways…). So- we ambled down to Red Ginger and had at it!! We split the stuffed potato roll, Christopher had the Thai Beef Salad (which I had previously) and I had the Crispy Duck and Watermelon salad – we each had the Rack of Lamb for our main – which was perfection. One of the BEST Lamb dishes EVER. Perhaps one of the finest meals at sea!! Our Sommelier suggested a great Saki to start – which was an excellent suggestion (he’s a good salesperson). The Cab Franc and the Lamb….AMAZING pairing (and quite by accident).

Those crew who remember us greeted us warmly and made us feel at home. After dinner once again we went up to Horizons. The ship was late leaving, so we had already departed but were still in whatever channel leading up to Southampton. We are now at sea and tomorrow is a sea day. YES. A day to relax.

SO here we are – phase 2 or 3 of our six week holiday…I can’t even keep up. I do know, however, today is Sunday.


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