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November 29th 2007
Published: November 29th 2007
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I might as well admit it now - I'm really just sitting here typing very slowly so as to procrastinate as much as possible. The first term exams start tomorrow, and in typical AC style we were given an entire day free to study even though the faculty must know that we only plan to sleep, eat, and go to Llantwit or (for the real hard-core procrastinators) Bridgend. At least I'm not under any grade pressure (like I was, at the end of EVERY semester, at my old school); my extremely competitive roommate was desperate to hear my monthly grades from last month and then had a barely-concealed strop because my scores right now could get me into any college in the world. I'm a bit worried that I won't actually be able to keep them up this high, but as I never actually studied at all outside of class before who knows what will happen if I put in some real effort? I've been making up catchy jungles to remember my irregular Spanish verbs (estar is the Mexican Hat Dance, ser is the Blue Danube Waltz) for hours now, so I'm feeling quite prepared. I have to stop studying by 8 anyway, because that's when my first student-staff council meeting starts!That's right, I am now the new Morgannwg House Representative (I sort of want to get a Superman-style cape with MHR on it, not that the POWER is going to my head or anything)! I bring the enthusiasm! It's kind of fun to be on student council in a place where the student council actually does something besides arrive two hours before the beginning of the homecoming dance to put up decorations. However, since it starts at 8 I should probably start getting out of this chair at about quarter of; at running activity yesterday (the last one of term), Sanna decided to test our newfound skills by having us run the 10k. "You just can't get lost", she said, with a Finnish snicker. It's really sort of the tortoise and the hare story in action here, except in the driving rain and along a long curvy highway with 18-wheeler semis attacking us from both directions; Henrik and I wound up ahead of the rest of the group and took a wrong turn, which caused us to return half an hour later and 7, yes SEVEN, kilometers farther than the rest of the group. So I've got thighs of liquid steel, just in time for the Christmas party on Saturday. Now I've just got to keep haunting the charity shops in order to find the perfect dress... quiero estudiar mi espanol ahora. Esa clase es diabolico!


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