The First Time I've Ever Borrowed Jam From A Lama

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October 12th 2007
Published: October 12th 2007
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Well, my performance for the Dutch royal family yesterday was completely worth the effort, if only for the looks of shock and horror that crossed their faces as soon as I began to speak in my groggy, I-took-three-Strepacils-but-I-still-sound-like-a-12-year-old-boy voice. My equally nervous accompanist (who I had never actually practiced with before the performance) also gave me a five-minute long disclaimer, which was sort of daunting as I only ended up singing the one song anyway. The music department, thank goodness, had a Plan B,filling the 45 minutes with other (in my opinion, far more interesting and cultural) musical acts with me at the end singing Someone To Watch Over Me. Apparently I still impressed them, however, so I'm officially singing a full concert for the next royal and/or fundraising visit. I've also been chosen for Madrigals, a quartet chosen from Tour Choir; we'll be singing on the streets when we go on the Tour Choir trip to Poland. It doesn't just make an awesome title; I did actually borrow some jam from the table of the Lama who gave a lecture on Buddhism and inner peace last night. We have lectures once or twice a week, not necessarily based on the 'theme' of the week; this week's theme is the Middle East, so the Friday Lecture tonight is on Islam. Which is, of course, followed by a belly-dancing workshop, where I intend to flaunt my CAVRA-sculpted stomach. CAVRA has another 6-hour hike this Saturday, in the supposedly stunning Brecon Beacons. Come to think of it, I probably just should say that the Brecon Beacons is notably ugly, because we aren't allowed cameras on CAVRA hikes and if I say it's beautiful then you WILL expect pictures. Don't worry...they're coming soon...


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