Glasgow Night Life

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January 7th 2012
Published: January 7th 2012
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IRN BRU and PostcardsIRN BRU and PostcardsIRN BRU and Postcards

Its Scotland's national beverage or something...tastes like liquid bubblegum.
Hey all!

So I got woken up this morning (...well afternoon =P) by our super loud and obnoxious fire alarms...they are so sensitive and have gone off almost everyday that ive been here.

Well I hade a really fun night last night. Went to a flat party for the new students, honestly the other americans are strange...I stuck to meeting people who already have been here. After a while of being there, me and Carmel, Charlotte and a few others went out to a club, dont mind the name, called Nice'n'Sleazys. Its where a lot of students go out and the played really good music. So we danced...a lot! and afterwards went for a late night snack...Chips of course!!! yumm

Hopefully going out with my flatmates soon, they want to show me around the city =]

smell ya later!


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