The Return to the Lowlands

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August 27th 2006
Published: August 27th 2006
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Hello everybody! Wow, back to civilisation at last! :D I have been as you know up to the most northern part of Scotland you could probably go, a beachside community called Achiltibuie, north of Inverness. We stayed in a place called Altarn Dubh, meaning 'Black burn' in Gaelic (everything is in Gaelic that far north!).

Ok, where to start. We left on Wed at about lunchtime. We caught a bus from Edinburgh to Inverness, passing through Perth! It was about a 5 hour journey. For the leg between Edinburgh and perth i had the most revolting guy sitting behind me. I have never heard anyone eating so disgustingly!!!!!!!! And he seemed to be continuously eating for 2 hours straight! Arrrggghh!!
Anyway, when we got to Inverness we had a couple of hours to kill before getting picked up by our friend Connor's dad, so we went for a walk and found a nice pub called The North and had a nice meal. The local fish here is so nice!!! Go the haddock haha.

Then David, connor's dad, picked us up for the 2-3 hour drive north. We stopped to pick up some groceries in Ullapool, then drove the remaining hour to Altarn Dubh. I cannot tell you how amazing the countryside is! The mountains are beautiful! We got some killer photos. We got to Davids house, and chilled out for a while, ten he dropped us down at the chalet his brother owns that we got to stay in for free. It was fully contained, had tv, cd player, 4 bedrooms, kitchen bathroom, heaters, everything you could want! Plus, fully panoramic views of the beach and islands! We got settled in, then we decided to walk up to the local pub, Am Fuaran. We got there, and there were a few people there, and what was just gonna be a quiet drink turned into a raging drunken tequila night. Hmmm. Haha. At midnight when the pub closed, we had to stumble back to the chalet in the pitch dark (street lights remember! Its just a little shanty town) pissed as farts. Got back, listened to some music, and i went and passed out.

Got up at 8.30, decided my head hurt too much, then went back to sleep.

Got up at 12, decided i felt much better. It was a beautiful day, sunny, but still pretty cool (being the north of scotland and all) so i decided to go for a run. I headed up the winding road, chasing a few sheep (they just graze everywhere, right next to the road) intending to not go for very long. But i kept wanting to see the next little lot of shanty towns, then the next lot, and it was so nice! I ended up going for 2hours. Yes my legs were sore after that. When i got back, i just chilled for a while. Mike and Gemma went for a walk, i told them there was a little grocery store 2 towns over. I warned them how far it was but they wouldnt believe me haha. About 3 hours later they got back..they walked there but they hitch hiked back!! Bloody slackers :P Then Connor got home from work (at a fish farm ew) and the boys decided to go swimming. In the evening, on the far north of scotland, in the freezing cold ocean. Such sheer intelligence! That night we went to the pub again for dinner. Had dinner, had a few drinks then called it a night.

Got up on fri morning and david came down and said we had to leave the chalet coz other (paying) people were coming to use it. So we packed up our stuff and took it all up to davids house. David is a guitar teacher, and he was going to the local primary school (population: 30) to take a guitar lesson. Mike is also a guitarist and teaches kids as well, so they decided to take along an electrc guitar and show the kids what happens when u practice (mike shreds!). So we all went along for a laugh. We got there, about 3 towns away, and the kids were practicing, then they wanted to hear mike play so he cranked up the amp and just played random metal songs, and there were kids outside the window almost making a moshpit haha. All the little girls were in love :P After that we got dropped off at the local pub, The Summer Isles. We had a quiet drink, ten we started walking back. A very long way. I was thumbing for a lift the whole time, and finally one of the locals in a truck stopped, and we jumped in the back of the tray. He took us about 3/4 of the way back then we walked the rest. We got back to davids, then we got on the net and booked our bus home for the next day. Then we got ready and david dropped us up the pub, coz the midges were out in full force.
Played pool, had a few drinks, then the others decided to be really intelligent and go down the beach and swim and light a fire and drink. I decided to stay at the pub haha. It was cool, everyone in the pub knew about us visitors, and everyone was really friendly. By the end of the night, i was pissed as a fart, and didn;t need to buy a drink coz everyone just kept handing them to me. The others came back in later, their faces looking like they had chickenpox with all the midge bites, and we all played pool and hung out. Then we went and hung out at some english tourists chalet, still pissed as farts, then got dropped home and passed out on the couch at davids.
We got up at 8am. Hungover big time. Then we remembered that we were going home today.

Dawn, davids wife dropped us at Ullapool, an hour drive on the most winding and bumpy orads ever. I got out when she dropped us at the bus station and promptly went to the toilet and spewed. As did mike. Gemma was ok, typical :P We caught the bus to Inverness, about 2hrs. I got off at the bus station and promptly went to the toilets and spewed. As did Mike. After this we felt somewhat better, so we got some hangover sure (some greasy local food) Then i went for a walk to get find an atm, and i went into some cool shops, bought some cool earrings. Got back to the bus station, spewed again, got on the bus for the 4 hour trip home. Was horrible, felt sick the whole way, and had to spew in the bus toilet. Got home last night, poor Mike had to go to work, i went to bed at 7pm.

Today we are having a bbq in the arvo, sort of a send off for me and gemma, all the crew are coming round, so hopefully it will be a big drunken debacle 😊
Wow im home in 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting!!! I guess i will go now, but i will update you soon 😊
ta tas
love Jossiexxoxoxoxox


28th August 2006

Tequila Rebound
Jossie's new cocktail; a tequila rebound - you slam it down and it comes right back up again. She'll take hers shaken not stirred! At least you noticed the countryside this time Jossie! See you soon :)
28th August 2006

PS. Rob always travels with ear plugs.
28th August 2006

Hi Jossy, I enjoy reading your updates. Sounds like you will need a course of rehab when you get back - I know just the pub-woops-I mean place. Enjoyed talking to you on Sunday night. Jack is going ok but can't do anything which he's having a hard time dealing with. He can't jump, run, ride a bike/skateboard, finish his rugby season, his team are in the final, can't train at ZDK, throw a ball, carry a bag, etc etc. We took him to his school this morning to meet with a student services staff member but when we got there they had pulled out the big guns - I think they were covering their arses in terms of avoiding legal action. When they realised we just wanted to sort out if and when Jack could return to school and what the school could do to help him and how this sort of thing would be prevented in future, they relaxed. I also wanted to make sure that the kid who spear tackled Jack was going to get his butt well kicked! They were also concerned that the staff member on duty didn't stop the rough game so I think that person will get a bullet too. When I think about what could have happened, Jack in a wheel chair, I feel sick all over again and I hafta force myself not to think about it. I'm still training a lot. My interval running has suddenly become a lot easier (about time too), katas are okay, fitness good, 200 sit ups okay but not pretty, the self defence will knacker me and I'm looking forward to the sparing. I did about 8 rounds of sparing with Gommy yesterday which was hard work but my fitness was okay. Also did about 5-6 rounds with Kyoshi last week which he said was ok so I recon I'm getting there. BRING IT ON! Did I tell you I won $1200 in a radio competition last week - the same day Jack broke his neck? I think I will buy a ticket to Broome... Anyway looking forward to you getting back - if only so you can spar me - he he. Love ya

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