Flodigarry to Ullapool

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Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Isle of Skye
February 14th 2007
Published: February 18th 2007
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Woke up to a great view out the window. Went on the road again (most of the roads we are going on are small and only fit for one way traffic which is really great, no highways at all so the view from the bus is always spectacular. Stopped off just down the road to look at a cliff with hexagonal rocks. Beautiful day today all day, was very uncommon for Skye so made the most of it. More little stops, then we went for another big hour long walk up a hill (i think im getting a little bit fit here) with good views, but ground here is so muddy and soft because of the rain it talkes double the effort. Had a bit of a slip and got some fairly muddy pants to got down to the bus for change of clothing and eat time with a couple of the girls. We were off to a small fishing town for some food, nice view of the harbour. More views but everyone pretty knackered from all the walking. Fergis is training for a marathon so i think hes a bit of an exercise freak! Made another little stop at Corrieshalloch George for some suspension bridge action and then onto Ullapool. Had fish and chips, did a bit of muddy laundry and looking forward to a big hot shower.


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