Day 8: East Kilbride to Lockerbie

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September 8th 2017
Published: September 12th 2017
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After a posh breakfast (also reflective of price), I retrieved my panniers from my room and my bike from behind the reception, and i was on my way.

The usual weather, ...wet roads from recent rain, and intermittent rain (heavy at times) as the day progressed. Occasionally, the sun broke out to revive my short lived optimism..

Much of the route followed the old highway (I believe), alongside the M74. As such, much of the day was spent with hissing vehicle tires on wet pavement, and grumbling trucks lumbering by. The old road did have an adjacent marked bike lane. While paved, it was randomly patched and, where not patched, the bitumen has long left, leaving stone nuggets to rattle and impair any fluid momentum.

I did stop at a roadside truck stop, that had a few locals quaffing beer, and a barmaid who was ironing tea towels and such in the dining/ lounge area. I asked about food service and getting a beer. I believe the answer was indicative of some service to come. More locals entered, to be tended to, and I waited for 20 minutes for a return visit. Not to come, I was back into the drizzle, I figured I could get service in the next town.

More long ups and reasonable downs, along with sweeping views of the hills. As I was getting a little hungry and tired, I stopped at a more vibrant truck stop outside Lockerbie, just as heavier rains came in. The meal was very good and at a very reasonably price for food and coffee, and afforded some time for warm and drying.

Again, no camping in the rain for me, so I headed to the Townhead Hotel, in Lockerbie, which I had booked earlier over the internet. The bar was suitably placed right at the bottom of the stairs to the rooms.

A short walk allowed a view of the town, and a drop in to Tesco for survival foods for tomorrow's journey, ...which might be a long one, if I am to recover time

Done for the evening... Off to bed.

Thoughts... UK mailpersons must pass down their jobs to their children. How else would you learn routes that have no numbers (just names...Primrose Cottage, Gildickerydockery Gables, etc) and sometimes no visible street names. Plus,.. street signs are like a "Where's Waldo" challenge... on houses, on sign posts, on fences, in hedges, or, more often, no where at all.


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