Day 1- The Flight

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April 29th 2006
Published: May 2nd 2006
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Our plane awaits us,Our plane awaits us,Our plane awaits us,

A shot of the plane we're boarding to fly to Iceland.
4:36pm - Well, we are currently situated in the International Lounge of the Orlando-Sanford International Airport awaiting the call for our flight which is scheduled to depart at 7pm, so we'll be waiting for a while.

Rebecca picked us up at 1:45pm and then we drove over and picked up Cindy's parents at 2pm. We drove up the Greeneway to Sanford and had a late lunch at Sonny's BBQ. We are all very grateful to Rebecca for taking the time to drive us so far and for be available to pick us up when we return in 2 1/2 weeks.

Security, as expected, is tight. So tight that when I put my glass case with my clip-on sunglasses inside in a bowl and sent it through the scanner, someone on the other end picked it up as theirs and it is gone now. Thanks TSA. Cindy, her dad and myself were wearing our heavy hiking boots, so we knew we'd have to take them off for security. We also had to take off our belts and Cindy's mom had to take off her shoes, even though they were simple slip-ons. They chose Cindy's carry-on to physically rummage through, but did not ask me to power up my laptop.

About a million people just stampeded to the gate because they started boarding the flight to Gatwick. Man, I hope our plane is not as crowded as this one appears to be.

Anyway, I'm not complaining about the security measures. It is a real reminder of the times we live in as well as the tragedy we have endured and I would much rather go through these exercises than have a repeat of 9/11. I just wish they hadn't made me put my glasscase through and then held me up so that someone else could pick it up and abscond with it. It's not even a great expense, just an aggravating inconvenience.

I wish I could post this, but they have a strange wireless arrangement here; you can access the login page, but there is no way that I can find that would allow a new user to sign up and actually use the service. I think all airports should offer free wifi for their passengers. So it looks like I'll have to post this later at the first opportunity I'm presented with wireless access.

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


Cindy at Kleflavik Airport DisplayCindy at Kleflavik Airport Display
Cindy at Kleflavik Airport Display

Even here, 3,000 miles from Orlando, we can't escape the global reach of DISNEY!

2nd May 2006

That bites about your sunglasses!! I hope the flight went better than the pre-flight!
2nd May 2006

Wow, how exciting!! Have a safe trip! :0)

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