Grocery Store Model? I THINK SO!

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March 18th 2009
Published: March 18th 2009
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Now that I got your attention😊

Seeing that it has been over a week since I wrote last, I figure it's time for another here we go!

Everything around here has been pretty low-key for the most part. I leave for Easter Break in 9 days! I can't believe that it came around that fast! We are COMPLETELY booked. My credit card took a massive beating, but I can live with that😊

I got my FIRST package from home last week! Thanks mom!
It had the necessities: Honey Nut Cheerios, Tide-To-Go packets, new pair of jeans, devotion book and CD, Space bags, slippers and HALLS. Good day😊

I ordered Chinese with my roommates as well which was pretty delicious. You would think that Chinese would be the same everywhere, but it's not. Same menu back home, but what you order is COMPLETELY different than what you would get back in the states. Still tasty!

On Saturday, a couple friends and I ventured out around Aberdeen in search of a place called Duthie Gardens. We initially thought it was Duff Garden in Duffy Park, so when trying to find an address, it became quite difficult....wonder why?! Thought it was something out of the Simpsons, but no such luck. It was actually much better! They have beautiful indoor gardens with flowers EVERYWHERE! And, of course, I took loads of pictures. I'll post soon.

We ate in the Gardens little restaurant and then caught the bus back into the city. Jake and I went to get our haircuts, which shouldn't have been such a huge deal, considering their is either a barber or salon on every corner. We looked for places that had Uni-student prices and found a place called the "Barber King." We understood that Barbers usually give men haircuts, but on the window it said they gave womens haircuts as well, so we ventured in. Jake got in the chair right away and I was sitting there, wondering if anyone would ask us if we wanted our haircut. Kathryn asked if they cut womens hair, and the woman looks at us and says, "No. We ARE a barber shop." I looked at Kathryn and was like, "You have a sign in the window that says you give womens haircuts!!!" We were like, ok, and then walked across the street to a salon and I got it cut right then and there. That was another exciting story, seeing that we got locked INSIDE the salon because of a faulty lock. It took the hairdressers banging on the window from the inside to people walking on the outside to have them open the door to let us out. Always an adventure😊

Tuesday was the most WONDERFUL St. Patrick's Day!
The international students were REALLY looking forward to it, thinking it would be great to celebrate in Scotland!!! Amazingly, it is NOT that popular over here! Hardly anyone dressed up and some of the pubs were empty! I did, however, consume my first green beer, which was quite tasty😊 It ended up being a pretty early night for me and some others. We went out the night before and I am going out tonight for Malt Whiskey Society. They are getting Baileys as well as raffling off give sets!

Some of you are probably wondering why I think that I am a grocery store model. ( I saved the best till last😊)
A friend and I were going to walk to the very close to campus grocery store, Lidle's. We were on our way down and this man in a shirt and a tie stops us because he saw that I was carrying a reusable Lidle's bag. He said that he works for the store, and since they just reopened, they wanted to show corporate in Germany that they were doing alright. So, he decided to give out 20 pound vouchers to people if they would grocery shop that day and make the store look crowded. My friend and I were like "SURE! Why not!?!" We got all our shopping done by the time the guy got back from recruiting. He then instructed us to go from isle to isle and "pretend" shop and he would take pictures. SO FUNNY😊 It turns out, I got just the right amount of groceries and got them all for free because they were under 20 pounds, AND I am going to be in pictures/adds for Lidle Grocery Store. Like I said before, always an adventure...

This weekend should be fun as well. The International Society it taking a weekend trip to the Borders. We are going to see Hadrian's Wall, (that is as far as the Roman empire every got), Linlithgow Palace, Rosslyn Chapel, Jedburgh Abbey and Melrose Abbey. All for 55 pounds! Should be good!

I have also discovered that I have made my life revolve around Nutella. It has become my weakness and I am SO thankful that we have it back in the states😊 I also eat A LOT more cheese here than I did at home! It tastes the same, but I think it is more of a "comfort food" than anything. GO DAIRY STATE! I don't care what anyone else says, WI will always be the Dairy State to me!!



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