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May 14th 2017
Published: May 14th 2017
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The beast, which will be following us around Spain, with awning number three!!!!
Three sleeps to go before we set off on our six week adventure around Spain.

I'm not a fan of ships/boats, so am hoping the current windy weather will settle by Wednesday and Thursday as we sail through the Bay of Biscay.

Graham's lists grow longer each day and most of our equipment is already packed, so really just want to sail away now.

Said goodbye to the three grandchildren this morning and are hoping that number four stays snug and does not make an early appearance before we're back.

David(Green), have picked up a tip from your latest travels and have the walking poles packed, not just for walking, but also to protect us from any mad dogs we should encounter!!!

That's all for today and tomorrow I'm sure we'll be onto list number 4,5,6!!!!!


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