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Europe » United Kingdom » England
September 12th 2013
Published: September 13th 2013
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Question: What is the current political structure/government in this country/region? Who has power, and how do those in power interact with their people?


They have 121 member in the government, which are The Prime Minister and The Cabinet members. The Prime Minister oversees all other government agencies. He also picks the members that will be brought into the government. The Cabinet members are more older people in it. They also meet every Tuesday to speak of what is important.

How The Prime Minister interacts with his people is by going to charities, so he can help them earn more money. He would also give out speeches for the people that came out to see him. The Cabinet does not really go out to see their people. The Prime Minister meets with people to see what's going on. He talks to the people on the TV to give them information.


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