packing for embarkment

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June 28th 2012
Published: June 28th 2012
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Hi all

Well, the time has come, I've had my final bath for 5 weeks, and tomorrow we set sail on our mini-adventure. For those of you who have not been bored over the past few months with our plans, Howard (from now on known as 'H' or Captain) and I are travelling the length (and probably sometimes breadth) of the Thames in our little boat Piccolo Mondo (from now on known as 'PM'😉. We plan to take 5 weeks meandering along the peaceful waters, stopping off at riverside watering holes, and other things.

We've packed the essentials - colander, beer, a few clothes, washing powder to wash our few clothes, pegs to hang out our few clothes, warm blankets for freezing conditions, waterproofs for wet weather and sun screen for blistering heat.

Forecast for tomorrow is not promising, but we are determined to set forth (even if it means staying in the boatyard for a day or two). So, starting from Tilehurst 29th June, hey ho me hearties.

Watch this space for next thrilling installment, you must be gripped already!

First Mate Rosie


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