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June 8th 2009
Published: June 8th 2009
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the stage
Saturday June 6

Today was a free day so we decided to go to an outdoor market called "Portobello Market." It was full of antique jewelery vendors, scarf shops, clothing stores, restaurants and people. It was a great atmosphere. I didn't end up buying anything, but it was lovely to people watch. I told my friends about the "rain forest pub" I went to a few days earlier, so we went again. We ordered a pitcher of Pimm's and lemonade- which is an English liquor with sprite, it also has a bunch of fruit in it, the more fruit the better. Our waitress told us it is good with ginger ale, strawberries and melon. After lunch we headed back to Metro Gate to get ready for our evening. We had high tea at the Orangery in Kensington Gardens. It was one of best times I have had here. I ordered the Champagne tea package- it came with a glass of champagne, any tea of your choice- I got the green lemon tea from China, salmon tea sandwiches, a scone with clotted cream and berries, and a piece of Belgium chocolate cake. I know it sounds decadent . . . and

Jaime, Me and Kelsey at the opera
it was! After tea, we saw the opera "Roberto Devereux". It was about queen Elizabeth I and her "affair" with Robert Devereux, and his love with the Duchess Sarah. It was really beautiful. The Opera was located at Holland park, it was an outdoor venue, but the theatre was under a big tent to block out rain and wind.. This was also the best opera I have seen, thanks in part to the sub titles. While walking back to Metro Gate I took a deep breath and realized how lucky I am to be here. Today was an amazing day.

Sunday June 7

I slept in today. We have been on the go non stop and my body needed a break. I wasn't feeling too well a couple of days ago, so getting rest was good idea. Jaime and I went shoe shopping today, because of all the sightseeing and walking, none of my shoes seem to be doing the trick, they all hurt really bad. We went to Clark's on Kensignton High street and got a pair of really nice flats. We ate lunch in today, and went to the Tower of London around 2 pm.
Tower of LondonTower of LondonTower of London

Outside of the tower
I got a pass a few days ago that allows me to go into a lot of the major palaces and gardens for one price, so the Tower of London was a must. The best part of the tower were the Crown Jewels. Of course they were spectacular and beautiful, but my favorite things were the videos showing the jewels in use. It was really interesting. We then headed over to Leicester square and had dinner at a little Italian place called "Bella Italia". The food was great, it was some of the best Italian I have had here in London. To finish the relaxing weekend, a few of us are going to our local pub the "Queens Arms".

More to come!


Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


Tower of LondonTower of London
Tower of London

The white tower
Tower of LondonTower of London
Tower of London

This is where they keep the crown jewels
Tower of LondonTower of London
Tower of London

Some of the buildings on the property. I really liked the blue doors.

9th June 2009

Several things: 1. I'm glad you slept in. 2. I'm sorry your shoes suck! My bad! 3. Thank you for all the food descriptions. They're my favorite part. :) Miss you!

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