Bath - not just washing or immersion

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September 20th 2008
Published: September 21st 2008
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Bath - hands down one of the lovliest places I have ever been. Really quiant sort of Englishy feel to the place and it wasnt completely over-run with tourists which impressed me. We were only there for 2 hours -but I think you'd need a good 3 days to check the town out properly - never mind soak up the atmosphere. I intend to go back and spend a week there.

A brief run down on what I know about Bath - that is what I know without looking in my GB guidebook. I dont know dates but here goes, the Romans built baths here waaay back a million billion years ago and they used to congregate there. The waters were known for healing and so everyone would go there - for anything - skin problems, broken legs, etc. They were viewed as having magical properties and so "offerings" were made in the way of money usually for curses etc...
The cobblestones on the ground are all worn and uneven - and are the same ones whch the Romans walked on back inthe day which I found quite exciting.

Eventually the romans moved out and nothing further happened here. the place silted up and the baths were burried.
Then this dude came along and he had some skin disease thing - might have been leprosy...anyhoo he was from some big family well known etc and was exhiled and hearded sheep or pigs or some such animal. He bathed in the water in the area and his skin was healed and it bought people back to Bath.
Some time later one of the kings decided to set up camp there and made some new baths - it was what all the fancy pants people did - go down to bath to soak or drink the water (until Sea-Bathing became the fashion and they abandoned bath for brighton)...

Anyhoo at some point the roman baths were unearthed and excavated and now its a tourist attraction..

bath also has a beautiful cathedral and the town is gorgeous...its also the home of Sally Lunn and Sally Lunn's house still exists...
they had some sort of charity exhbition on while I was there and there were Hundreds of decorated pigs everywhere - yup its a city for me...

One of the key things for me - of course is that Jane Austin lived in Bath. The home of my favourtie author. They have a museum but it was the other side of town and I only had 2 hours...alot of her books have a basis on Bath society which is amusing...

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A head!!A head!!
A head!!

Ok i'm tired and dont remember what it is...its important though...
Pipe SystemPipe System
Pipe System

its like a billion years old...
The wishing poolThe wishing pool
The wishing pool

Where the romans threw in money and curses etc..

the inscription is about how scared and magical the water is...
more about itmore about it
more about it

i didnt go in - didnt have time...

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