20Hr Flight Survivors!

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September 18th 2008
Published: September 18th 2008
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Yerppppp.... Mel & I Made It!

Shes a cranky one after 21hrs of jetsetting... apparently gets sick on international flights also! But hey, thats not gonna stop me eating my tastey chicken curry with steamed rice and veggies! I gave her my dry crackers though, cause thats the sorta guy i am!

Singapore is awesome, but too hot. They really need to address this 30 Degree BullShit hey...

I havent really slept since i left Perth but am completely fine compaired with Mel who apparently requires a shower and sleep before she starts slaughtering innocent by-standers... *shrugs* not sure what she's harping on aboot... and apparently waiting a few hours for Hotel check-in is a drama also...

Haha she's standing right behind me, and due to her state of 'pissed-off-ness' this isnt going down too well... Good thing she only punches like a girl i guess 😉 haha! *ouch*

OMG! in singapore i had an odd experience... went to the toilet, opened the only available cubical and it was a fkn hole in the ground pretty much! How much shit is that! lol... lucky i thought about it for a min and a normal toilet free'd up! hahah, they flush themselves too! and the taps use some sort of foreign magic to turn themselves on and off just when you put your hands near them!!!!! Voodoo magic i say...

But yeah, planes arent nearly as fun as you think they'd be!!! haha, by the way, of the hundreds of people on the plane, there was one bloke snoring like i had never heard before! just a couple of rows behind us but i swear it was like he was leaning into my ear! If i was an air-marshal i would have done him for some form of terrorism... LoL!

By the way, the Tube system sucks balls! Especially with a 3tonne backpack - oh that reminds me of something else - BACKPACKS SUCK BALLS! I need something with wheels... i'm probably gonna be buff as by the time i get back though.

Omg, so excited hey! Soooooo much epicness!!! i cant describe! we're staying pretty much right on Hyde Park, i'm waiting for mel to calm down before i make her want to go and have a wonder over there... LoL

I will post some pics when i get a chance, but at the moment all they consist of are angry photos of mel cause i was trying to capture the 'essence of the trip' in her expression LOL!

Pretty sure she's gonna shit a brick when she sees that i've posted this... oh well, she'll get over it.. i guess... either that or she'll push me off Tower Bridge *note to self - keep distance from edge of bridge*


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