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June 9th 2008
Published: June 9th 2008
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 Video Playlist:

1: Hayley at Brighton Beach 12 secs
2: Hayley... singing 44 secs
3: Brighton Beach from the pier 36 secs
Waxy's pubWaxy's pubWaxy's pub

There is a tree in the middle of the pub - 4 stories high
I spent the weekend with Hayley and Craig, the people that owned the house in High St that I used to live in. They live in Ealing, about 20 mins Tube ride south-west from London. Hayley and Craig live in a share house with 9 other travellers - huge house with people coming and going all the time. Lots of fun. For those who know High Street - think of this house as exactly the same, except with more people actually expected to live here (not just wandering through or standing in front of the fridge in their undies!) haha.

On Sat night we went to Waxy's Pub just by Piccadilly Circum tube station. It has this massive tree growing through the inside of it. The top floor where we sat was definately no higher than 5foot 11 probably. I just fit standing up! The pub is awesome - pity you have to go all the way to the bottom floor by pushing through the crowds to get to the bathroom! We headed back to the house early since it takes way too long to get home via the bus and the last tube leaves at 12am. After a short stop at a questionable kebab shop, we arrived home.

On Sunday we went on a Roadtrip to Brighton with the other people in the house. This place is on the south coast and had a beach made out of pebbles! Wierd with no white sand! The trip was supposed to take 90 mins but we had to pick up another person and someone's shirt (?) on the way there so we got there around 2pm. We sat on the pebbly beach for awhile - it was hot for a change! Everyone got a little pink. We walked along the Pier, which is really long and full of arcade games and rides. We sat in the beer garden for a few drinks then headed back to the carpark. The trip back to Ealing was UNBELIEVABLE!!! It turned out so unfortunate it was funny! It took us 90 minutes alone to get out of Brighton. The other 4 girls in the car and I fell asleep for awhile, which gave Craig the perfect chance to miss the turn off on the Freeway and head north for way too long. In short, we all woke up, Hayley yelled at Craig until he finally conceeded and we turned back to the freeway. All in all, the trip took us over 4 hours to get home, by the time we were all so tired that EVERYTHING was funny! Pizza for dinner topped off the night and I stayed over another night. Their bed is THE BEST bed i've ever slept in.

Headed back to Marlene and Andrew's house today and have spent the rest of the day sorting out travelling stuff for the next week. I'm heading off to Paris on Wednesday.. should be fun.

Highlights of the weekend:
1. The 'Flying Dogs' - aka the huge seagulls that constantly swooped near us
2. Kebabs with sour cream!
3. Tom-Tom systems in cars

1. Pizza - UK pizza have CORN KERNALS on them - what the?!
2. Public transport and the cost of using it.

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


10th June 2008

I'm not sure who is a better mermaid, you or Craig !! haha Did you try going in the water? Sounds like you guys didn't stay at Brighton for the night? Its got one of the most 'happening' night scenes in (south) england. Its where Fatboy Slim calls home and theres usually heaps of bands playing every night. Crazy during uni holidays. (I started at Brighton and headed west to Cornwall when I was backpacking)
11th June 2008

well, at least the dude at the fridge in his undies was european.... or something. long live high st!!!
12th June 2008

I'm so jealous
Hey Kell - I used to travel to Ealing every day by overland rail from Paddington Station. I then had to catch a bus from Ealing station to Greenford where I worked in the 'Social Services' office. Shit job but I was sucked in by the money they were willing to pay me. They were desperate. So I know Ealing and am having a trip down memory lane reading about your travel. I did many the same thing but must admit it was 9 years ago (oh my God - showing my age !). Have fun. I look forward to your next entry. If I can't live it - I might as well read it ! Mon
13th June 2008

its a shit tube ride too - EVERYBODY smells bad!
13th June 2008

nah we didn't have time. craig and hayley work early on mon morning so needed to be back. i think craig is def a better mermaid...
13th June 2008

uuuugggghhhh don't remind me. actually he kinda talks like Boss when he's talking dutch

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